Finding the Resilient You


    Klutch Photography


So?  Is this sucky world getting you down?  What if I told you joy was a decision and it is vital to our salvation that you make that choice?  We won’t save the world if deep down we believe it isn’t worth saving.

I’m a naturally afraid person.  I once lived with enough anxiety and depression in my personality cocktail to render me useless at times.  However, I’ve learned to ride the back of strong moments to always gain ground, whether it’s an inch or a mile.

I don’t believe my insecurities and fears are telling me what I can’t do.  I believe it’s my challenge to find a way to live with what I want to do.  That specific path, dictated as much by my strengths as my ‘weaknesses’, is tailored to me.

But is it worth it?

There will always be fear.  It is imperative that we keep working to make sure we create a loving tolerant world.  We need to learn how to witness the events without internalizing them, to spread words of love not fear, to value quality not celebrity, and to have hope that our spiritual evolution will not rest in this place.

How does an army of non-violent, sensitive souls wage a war?  We will move forward by being kind.  We must be stronger and work harder to become a visible, vocal majority on this planet.

Angela Duckworth in her book titled Grit explains her life’s work studying the importance of passion and perseverance.  Passion comes naturally to some.  But the perseverance?  That can be the harder part.

This is a war cry to all the empathetic heroes of this world.  How can you survive yourself?  I’m willing to risk hosting a cliche party by sharing my favourite lessons in perseverance with you…

  1. Let knowledge help until it hinders.  Having a hard time watching the news? Allow the world’s daily assault of information to add fuel to your fire but when it starts to put the out fire, stop.  It does little good if it renders you ineffective.  Information is only useful as long as it inspires action.
  2. Know your part.  You don’t have to be everything to everyone for every cause.  If we all picked just one thing to fight for we could make this world a better place! Goodness knows there is enough of us.  Pick your part and feel energized by playing it.  Celebrate others and their role in life without feeling guilty that you’re not participating in everything.
  3. A perfect life is not perfect.  There is no Jones’s to keep up with.  They are not real, it’s just a stupid story.  Fulfill your own purpose, follow your own path.  You don’t need to worry about the rest.
  4. It’s not about you.  We oftentimes feel we owe it to others to feel bad for them if they are experiencing grief or trauma.  Here’s a little aha moment for you – your sadness for another will only become a cross for them to bear.  Check your feelings. Your friends need your strength and your support.  You don’t have to feel bad for not feeling bad. 
  5. Lighten up.  Laughter heals.  It’s the spoonful of sugar that helps us swallow life’s bitter moments.  By sharing your vision of a better world with a little laughter, it may be a more palatable truth that others will readily absorb.  Who wouldn’t turn up their nose to anything that was sour and left a bad taste in their…spirit.  So yuk it up and share the love.
  6. Stop judging. It’s not your job to decide if a moment is good or bad. Witness every moment.  If what you want is to make the world a better place, you don’t have to judge a moment or person as ‘bad’ to recognize an opportunity for change.  Act on that incentive and respond with love.
  7. Allow for the motion of emotion.  When you are overcome with feelings, feel them then let them go.  Holding onto pain and trauma will only blind you to the positive, enlivening moments.  By letting the feelings go in due course, you won’t inadvertently share your pain instead of your purpose. We want as little of the recycled negativity as possible.
  8. You don’t have to assume the best of everyone to expect the best.  Despite differences in temperaments and intentions, I believe everyone is capable of good things.  I protect myself from the world by not always assuming the best of everyone.  I trust my instincts.  But that doesn’t stop me from giving them my best, being respectful, and expecting their best in return. I am rarely disappointed.  Even when I don’t get someone’s best, I’ll give them more of mine in spite of that.  That is all we truly have control over.
  9. Stay positive.  Have faith in the possibilities.  The pessimists won’t change the world. It takes just as much energy to think a positive thought as a negative one.  Make a choice and discipline yourself.
  10. And for goodness sake – don’t take yourself too seriously.  Your continued energy is required to persevere.


You can only be an effective, positive influencer and co-inspirator  by remaining healthy. No one said you had to suffer to have a positive role in the cause.  Your strength and stamina are what we need!


Happy inspiring!!


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