Author: Trina McClure

Finding The Shape of Your Life

We have been taught that this is the basic shape of a story: This is the type of story we long to hear. We crave the rising action and a climactic event. The falling action shows us how different things are now that the event has happened and a resolution helps us make sense of the journey. We feel satisfied.… Read more →

Create Your Purpose

Why Ask Why? Your career is not who you are – it is what to do, hopefully based on who you are. We look to the cornerstone elements of self-knowledge – our skills, interests, and strengths – when searching for fulfilling work. But those are the literary devices in a story that still needs a theme. Telling your best, most… Read more →

Better Mood, Better Decisions: Tips for Parents and Practitioners

It seems like something Captain Obvious would say: if we are happy we will make better decisions. But if you think about it, why is that? What is happiness? Happiness is defined most often using the word content. I enjoyed the Happiness International definition that stated ‘happiness is when your life fulfills your needs’. They identify human needs by separating… Read more →

Why I Am Breaking Up With Confidence

Only recently I realized I was stuck in an unhealthy relationship with Confidence.  I was taught I would be successful, happy, and productive if I could develop an enduring bond with Confidence.  At first, I desperately threw myself at it with superficial tactics like better hair and nice clothes. I lost weight and collected positions, titles, and scholastic achievements.  But… Read more →