Anatomy of a Star

Are you obsessed with the stars?  Do you devour the magazines? Are you addicted to the entertainment shows?  Do you follow your favourites on YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook?  Do you look up to the night sky and wonder, “Is it possible for Taylor Swift to be real?”

Welcome to Anatomy of a Star.

Do I promise to make you a star?


Do I promise to make you Taylor Swift?


No one is Taylor Swift but Taylor Swift.  To some, that’s a relief.  To the rest of us, it sucks.

What I promise is to make you the star of your own life: the role you were born for, the role you ignore, and deem unimportant.

It is your part to play.

First perk of stardom, every star has fans.  I promise to be yours.  How can I be your fan when we’re meeting on a blog?  We’ll figure that out together.  I promise to write for you.  To be strong and positive.  I will do everything in my power to make you a star.

And maybe you’ll become my fan, too.  I’ll earn it by showing up, on this blog, with words to support you, inspire you, challenge you and ultimately move you forward towards the Star you were born to be.


Because that’s who I am.  That’s my role.  I know it because when I’m playing the part I am strong, healthy, happy, and excited.  If I play a part in your greatness, then I will be no less proud than if the greatness were my own.  We are all connected.  Our paths are affected by the paths of others like planets in orbit.

I will make you perfect.

I will make you a star.

The hardest part will be teaching you that you were always were both.  I just need to make you see.  Through the lense of Perspective.  Through the art of the Craft.  We will use the actor’s tools to help you find your character, build connections with other players, deliver your words, play your role, and create your story.

And I promise you will be safe here.  All ages are all welcome.  There will be no poisonous content, no people bashing, no negativity.  You are at war with negative influences all day, every day.  I will fight by your side to create a place of light where you can shine, where there is no darkness.

So welcome to my blog.  I am your Performance Coach, Trina McClure.  I have degrees in both Psychology and Theatre.  I have studied performance, voice, and movement for several years under some truly wonderful, inspiring, and talented human beings (whom you will hear about). Outside of performing, I have developed my voice as a writer.  I am as obsessed with the art of story as I am, clearly, obsessed with people.  We will discover

  • Why people do what they do
  • How people do what they do
  • How can we do what they do

And ultimately, how can we take all of that information to create a story wherein this world becomes a better place.  We all want a happy ending.

This is the beginning.

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